Before we go any further, don’t read this while driving. The first reason is obvious; distracted driving is extremely dangerous and avoidable. Auto accidents are one of the few causes of death that can be reduced simply through greater attention to your surroundings. It keeps you, and by extension others safer. Drive safer.
However, this is a simple truth that no serious authority would contest. No, we’re here for the second reason not to drive while reading this article, and this also applies to your passengers.
Cars for Alarm?
Automobiles have been an integral part of Western society since the 1950s. While the thought of sitting inside a cage of steel on top of a constant, controlled explosion is frightening out of context, many cars are safer than they’ve ever been. Generally speaking, the most passive danger one could reasonably expect would be gas prices or awful puns snuck into an article. Humanity is always innovating, and safety standards are always under scrutiny.
In fact, we’ve added a number of quality of life improvements to our personal vehicles that were luxuries fit only for modern nobility decades ago. Modern cars may come standard with GPS and Bluetooth; the truly exceptional vehicles may contain Wi-Fi hubs or connectivity, taking the internet with you wherever you go.
It is truly a miracle of machinery and convenience. Getting lost is much less likely if you have constant access to the internet and reliable GPS, and some vehicles include voice recognition technology. Looking for a good place to get a steak? Ask your car.
But, we have to gently poke a hole in that enthusiasm. New technology brings new problems.
EMFs: Backseat Driving at its Worst
When the most complicated part of a car was its simple, combustion powered engine, this was not originally an issue. Without any significantly electrical components, there was no risk of electromagnetic radiation. Now, as our four wheeled crafts of convenience come standard with computing on par with the smartphones you may be reading this very article on, electromagnetic fields, or EMFs become a factor.
EMFs are a problematic, but natural phenomenon that occurs wherever electricity passes through. As the Earth’s core is magnetic, a very small amount of EMFs exist naturally around us. This level is so miniscule that we can scarcely detect it.
The problem comes with quantity. EMFs are a form of radiation, and in enough quantities, all radiation has potential to be harmful in large doses. Wherever there is electricity, you will find EMFs.
Should I be concerned?
To a reasonable extent, yes. Wherever electricity is processed, EMFs are a byproduct of device usage. This was first documented by the World Health Organization back in the early 2000s. The findings and research conducted is quite extensive and has a lot of finer details, but they concluded EMF exposure can lead to detrimental health effects. While individual complications varied, the disorder was given a name for easier study; electromagnetic hypersensitivity, or EHS.
This disorder is quite generalized with the symptoms presented, making it difficult to consistently diagnose. There is also no reliable test available, and no single treatment will work. What was clear was the absolute laundry list of potential problems arising from levels of EHS.
EHS often presented to a neurological extent, with increased stress, anxiety, and sleep disturbances being among the most common reported ailment. Rashes of varying severity were also reported; though none were serious enough to be worthy of hospitalization at the time, this is not a guarantee that such a complication is impossible. Other noteworthy symptoms included muscle aches, nausea, and fatigue. The rashes reported, if any, often reported a prickling or burning sensation, making them quite discomforting.
Unfortunately, such broad symptoms make it that much harder to treat. EHS shares many of its symptoms with other unrelated diseases, so symptoms must be treated individually. This is not necessarily a failing on the part of the doctor; the medicine would be similar for any other disorder it shares symptoms with. Always trust your doctor, even if EHS is suspected and not diagnosed.
How does this relate to my car?
Two major reasons; Wi-Fi, and 5G. Wireless devices that utilize 5G connectivity are notorious emitters of EMFs, and your vehicle may come standard with Wi-Fi capabilities or a full on hub. In other words, as you drive, you may be subjected to constant EMFs radiating over you and your passengers. You can read more about how 5G directly affects you here
Needless to say, this isn’t good. While EHS symptoms have yet to be reported to be acute (that is, rapid and fast acting), prolonged exposure can be just as problematic. This is even more concerning if your vehicle is a Wi-Fi hub, as you would be projecting as well as receiving. Remember; where there is electricity, there are EMFs.
As the entire purpose of wireless technology is to project and receive data more efficiently, this also means they emit EMFs more frequently than wired or battery powered devices. As a form of radiation, it will not simply blow away like leaves should you drive away from it. Your vehicle could be a source of EMFs. If you or someone you know is experiencing any symptoms of EHS after being in or near your vehicle, EMF emissions from your vehicle may be the cause.
What can I do?
Since automobiles are a crucial part of modern society, it is not advised or practical to stop driving. While older vehicles emit less EMFs, there is still an electrical battery under the hood. Wherever there is electricity, you will find EMFs.
It would be equally unreasonable to simply surrender modern conveniences when solutions are available. We understand how the problem works, and we know what it can do when left untreated. So, the next logical step is to prevent it.
As EMFs are a form of radiation, we can treat it like radiation. With proper shielding, EMF interference can be reduced and mitigated. It is not currently possible to build any electronic device to prevent the emission of EMFs entirely, it is possible to provide shielding for it.
However, such shielding is rarely used. This is typically a combination of lack of knowledge or cost cutting. Odds are, you probably hadn’t heard about the World Health Organization’s research until this article. Most are also unaware of the problem. At this point, it doesn’t matter where the fault lies. What matters is what you do about it.
You can step in. We’ve outlined a list of useful products below to help with any potential concerns with EMF shielding. We recommend one protective measure for every member of your household, including pets. For Wi-Fi enabled vehicles, the Mega Shield can be conveniently placed inside your car. This can cut down emissions significantly, and we highly recommend it.
Protective Products
House Shields
Ideally, you want one for each floor of your house. You don’t need to choose the room with the most EMF exposure; these conveniently work on any outlet. Each House Shield covers 2,000 square feet on the floor it is located.
Body Shields
Wear like any necklace. Provides coverage up to an arm’s length around you. These work very well if you intend to go out to somewhere with high EMF exposure, and are ideal for working in an office or medical facility. If a bracelet is impractical for any reason, choose a Body Shield necklace.
Body Band Bracelets and Beaded Bracelets
These work similarly to Body Shield necklaces, and have similar functionality. In this case, the choice is aesthetic. One is typically enough; in groups, you want one per person.
See the packaging. These vary in their individual functions and usage, but if you have a very unique situation where any other product is impractical, consider one of these.
Smart Guards
These are placed on your electric meter on your house. It is advised to place it underneath the box to avoid any weather related damage. They come with a convenient Velcro glue dot to attach easily to the box or glass case around your meter.
Pet Collar
These are conveniently sized for the most common domestic pets, and attach like any other collar. Clip around the neck, and your furry friend will remain safe from EMF over exposure just like you. Although this article has been about human exposure, pets are also susceptible to EMFs. Read all about it here:
Mega and Micro Technology Shield
Like the Smart Guard, these come with a glue dot for easy application to any appliance or electronic device you’re particularly concerned about. For cell phones or particularly expensive devices, these can be attached to the protective case safely. These can also be conveniently carried in wallets, purses, or any carry on without issue.
Health and Wellness Products
These are useful for mitigating any symptoms or issues from EMF exposure that may occur. Their usage depends on the product, so be sure to read any included instructions carefully.