Think about all the EMF sources an average person is exposed to everyday. EMF fields are in our homes, our jobs, our schools, and in all public buildings. Anywhere there is wireless internet, there are EMF fields. We sit in front of computers, cell phones, tablets and TV’s.
Scientists are now waving red flags! The concerns are growing about the adverse effects on one's health from 5G and higher frequency waves and the concentration on cell phone towers in the United states. They will be adding 800k more in 2025.
The earth creates EMF naturally. Our cells use electromagnetic radiation to communicate with each other.
So whether its ionized (X Rays, gamma rays, MRI, Cat scans etc.) or non-ionized (categorized by the WHO
appliances, computer screens, security systems, cell phones, WIFI routers and modems, Bluetooth microwaves, TV's etc.) electromagnetic fields induce currents in the human body causing chaos. You cannot feel it or see the possible harm which can lead to cellular risk, cancer risk, increase of free radicals, genetic damage, and so much more.
We can't upend our lives .. but we can distance ourselves from the harmful effects of EMF fields. We can go wired on headphones and house phones. We can never put any devices in our clothing or on our wrists (SMART WATCHES)
The time is now to protect yourself and those you love!
Safe Connect Plus has products that have been around since 2009. We cover you at home, the office and in public spaces. We have wearables, mobile device shields, appliance shields, health and wellness products, and so much more.
So, How can you protect yourself and your loved ones?
Visit our website or call a specialist at 386-677-4177