Sometimes, it’s best just to break right into it. You know them. You’ve seen them. Whether or not you understand them, you probably have one on your house right now. And, you might want to understand how they work.
I’m talking about electric meters.
What is an electrical meter?
In this case, the name says it all. These devices monitor and report how much electricity your household uses. Specifically, it measures the flow of kilowatt hours, or KWh. Without going into the finer sciences of it, the short version is to think of electrical like liquid. It flows through your line, spreads to where it is needed in your home, and increases whenever something uses it. Switching something on and off or unplugging a device is identical to closing a valve. Until you reopen the ‘valve’, the current will ‘sit’ and linger.
This is a fairly major simplification of the process, but it covers what matters most. Specifically, let’s talk about electricity flowing through and lingering when not in use.
Out of sight, out of mind?
While convenient that power is merely a plug away, there are certainly risks to this convenience. For one, insulation needs to be in place properly. Electrical fires are one of the most common causes of house fires, and it is crucial to check for any potential risks regularly. This can include a number of things, but the important things are as follows. Always watch for frayed wires, ‘shorts’ in the line, or sparks.
Should you see any of this, call an electrician immediately. They know the risks and come prepared to prevent any further damage from happening. However, fire is not the only hazard from bad electricals. Uncontained lines also increase emission of electromagnetic fields, or EMFs.
What are EMFs?
Like heat generated by an open flame, EMFs are a natural runoff from electrical current. They can also radiate heat, which is why you may notice some devices warming up from frequent use. This is normal. In fact, biological electricity is what keeps your heart functioning in rhythm. EMFs are always around, in one way or another.
However, you might have noticed a word in used in the last paragraph; radiate. This is because EMFs are also a form of radiation. Radiation, in small doses, occurs naturally as well. It doesn’t truly become an issue until there is a lot of it. For example, you’re probably breathing in radon gas right now. It is a very common byproduct of numerous chemical reactions, but the dose is so small it almost cannot be measured.
The issue comes from what you’d expect. Like radon gas exposure, the problem is all in quantity.
Are EMFs harmful?
In large enough doses, yes. As a type of radiation, EMFs are responsible for a condition known as electromagnetic hypersensitivity, or EHS. Symptoms of this can include headaches, anxiety, sleep disturbances, and rashes of varying severity. To further complicate the problem, EHS is very difficult to isolate and diagnose. Because you are naturally exposed to very small levels of EMFs on a daily basis, there is no truly conclusive test for your level of EHS.
Unfortunately, this also means you cannot treat the condition with a sweeping, singular cure. We currently can only treat the symptoms individually, and that also varies by severity. If you find yourself with strange, inexplicable symptoms with seemingly no other explanation, consider EHS. You can read more about EHS and one of its most common sources here
How does this relate to electric meters?
Rewinding back to the beginning, you may recall something important. Electricity lingers when not in use. This would normally not be a problem assuming your lines are properly insulated and safe, but we also established that fire is not the only danger of lingering electricity. Wherever there is electricity, there are EMFs.
Logically speaking, more electricity means more EMF exposure. As your electrical meter is the source of all electricity entering your household, this means your electrical meter provides the highest level of exposure.
Should I be concerned?
While you should not be worried to the point of disconnecting your electricity and living off the grid, you should take measures to protect yourself. Under normal circumstances, it would be expected that the farther something potentially hazardous is from the home, the less danger it presents. However, you are not as far away as you may think.
EMFs have a variable range. A smaller, less power drawing device will use less electricity. Less electricity means fewer EMFs. This is where the water metaphor applies most; like water, EMFs spread like a puddle. More water means a bigger puddle, and more things are going to get wet. In other words, more EMFs and more electricity present wider range.
All of the electricity in your home goes through that meter. While the idea is good in theory to measure the current and amount coming in, this is also what causes the problem. Your electrical meter radiates the most EMFs and covers the greatest area in your home. While the meter isn’t normally a major fire hazard, it is always an EMF hazard.
What can I do?
Thankfully, there is good news. As we’ve learned to lower the risk of electricity lighting fires in our homes, technology exists to also mitigate EMFs. However, these forms of technology are not standard in most homes. There are a number of reasons for this, but it boils down to a combination of lack of awareness and cost.
Though the World Health Organization first discovered the potential negative effects of EMFs in the early 2000s, this never gained major, mainstream attention. As for exactly why is unknown, but with the controversy surrounding the WHO during COVID-19, it is not a far reach that there were incentives to focus on other concerns. This isn’t necessarily evidence of malice; there was a heavy push for progress on communicable disease during this time. EMF exposure and the associated condition of EHS from it are not technically communicable, so it may not have been a priority at the time.
However, to combat the inaction of regulatory bodies as a whole, there are steps that you, the consumer, can take on your own. EMF shielding is available commercially and affordably, and we’ve put together a list of potential products that should suit your needs. This includes shielding technology for your electrical meter, which we highly recommend based on the findings of this article.
Your needs will vary, but we recommend at least one protective product for each member of your household, including pets. As we don’t yet have a definitive answer on how serious EHS can truly get, it is best to be proactive and avoid EHS symptoms entirely. Even if you do not feel sick, consider taking steps now.
Protective Products
House Shields
Ideally, you want one for each floor of your house. You don’t need to choose the room with the most EMF exposure; these conveniently work on any outlet. Each House Shield covers 2,000 square feet on the floor it is located.
Body Shields
Wear like any necklace. Provides coverage up to an arm’s length around you. These work very well if you intend to go out to somewhere with high EMF exposure, and are ideal for working in an office or medical facility. If a bracelet is impractical for any reason, choose a Body Shield necklace.
Body Band Bracelets and Beaded Bracelets
These work similarly to Body Shield necklaces, and have similar functionality. In this case, the choice is aesthetic. One is typically enough; in groups, you want one per person.
See the packaging. These vary in their individual functions and usage, but if you have a very unique situation where any other product is impractical, consider one of these.
Smart Guards
These are placed on your electric meter on your house. It is advised to place it underneath the box to avoid any weather related damage. They come with a convenient Velcro glue dot to attach easily to the box or glass case around your meter.
Pet Collar
These are conveniently sized for the most common domestic pets, and attach like any other collar. Clip around the neck, and your furry friend will remain safe from EMF over exposure just like you. Although this article has been about human exposure, pets are also susceptible to EMFs. Read all about it here
Mega and Micro Technology Shield
Like the Smart Guard, these come with a glue dot for easy application to any appliance or electronic device you’re particularly concerned about. For cell phones or particularly expensive devices, these can be attached to the protective case safely. These can also be conveniently carried in wallets, purses, or any carry on without issue.
Health and Wellness Products
These are useful for mitigating any symptoms or issues from EMF exposure that may occur. Their usage depends on the product, so be sure to read any included instructions carefully.