Protecting yourself from EMF's

Protecting yourself from EMF's

To properly protect yourself and your family from EMF’s you need to be informed. 

EMF’s are a form of energy composed of an electrical field and a magnetic field, all from electrical power.



Non-Ionizing EMF’s:

  • Lower Frequency
  • Household Appliances
  • Microwave Ovens & Air Fryers (the worst)
  • Computers, Laptops, Cellphones, Game Stations, Headphones & Air Pods
  • Anything with the word SMART in front of it (TV’s, Watches, and Appliances)
Ionizing EMF’s:
  • Higher Frequency
  • Sunlight
  • X-Rays & Scans
  • Gamma Rays
  • Hospital Monitoring Devices

 The lower the frequency because of their  usage can impact human physiology.

Long term usage is hard to avoid and can be EXTREMELY DAMAGING!

Necklace offerings from Safe Connect Plus to block EMF's

Good News and No Worries

Safe Connect Plus protection products secure your environment from radiation you encounter on a daily basis giving you peace of mind from now on.

  • Simply Elegant Collection
  • Dried Flower Collection
  • Mediterranean Collection
  • Octagon and Hearts Collection

Total protection in any type of environment.

  • Promote balance
  • Neutralizes ENF Radiation from internal body systems
  • Protects DNA
  • Returns ambient EMF’s in and around the body
Safe Connect Plus Mega Shields

Safe Connect Plus Mega Shields protects you from EMF fields that damage sensitive areas of the brain. Cell phones are the most dangerous form of EMF ~ and everyone has one! EMF’s are cumulative and increase your risk every time you use your phone. Packaged in a slim, sleek shield, they compliment the look of your phone, laptop, computer, etc.

Did you know if you put Safe Connect Plus Mega Shield on your water pipe under your sink it will encode and enhance your water?
  • Creates a powerful balanced field around you
  • Non-Toxic plant based
  • Use on any wireless devices or appliances

 Safe Connect Plus Home Shield

  • Promotes better quality of sleep
  • Enhances the suppression of melatonin from EMF’s
  • Helps you to fall asleep
  • Transforms the electrical currents
  • Plugs easily into any outlet and covers 2000 Square Feet 


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