There’s been a lot of discussion around the benefits of ‘health water’. While medical science is always on the hunt for the next step forward in health and wellness (as they should be!), water has been a consistent topic. Not the obvious benefits; by now, everyone knows the positive effects of staying hydrated. No, the real debate has been with water infusion. Two big contenders consistently fight it out in the ring in this regard: hydrogen infused water or alkaline infused water?
In this article, we’ll answer that question. To do that, we need a little imagination from you, reader. You see, molecular chemistry and biology are two very broad subjects. Today, we’ll be discussing both, but in a much easier to understand way. Until the end of this article, please picture a yo-yo in the air.
No, this is not a joke. The reason for this silly and off the wall imagery will become clear as we move forward. We’re going to use something familiar to bring everything together in an easy to understand way. With that in mind, let’s move on.
The infused water debate revolves around pH, or the balance of acidic versus alkaline levels in water. The term ‘pH’ stands for ‘potential of hydrogen’. In less wordy terms, acids versus not-acids, or base. Water that is too acidic can cause wear and tear on whatever it interacts with, so it is always a good idea to keep that under control.
If it just ended there, the answer would be simple; keep acid low everywhere. Unfortunately, this is where ‘we’ come in. Human biology requires acids to some level, as we need it to process and absorb energy, as well as remove cellular waste. Without acid, we couldn’t eat, and dead cells would never leave. If you’ve ever forgotten about leftovers in the fridge for too long, the problem is obvious.
But, that creates another problem. Acid breaks things down, so it has to be used in a controlled manner. Too much acid will break us down. Diseases such as acid reflux, ulcers, and acidosis occur when acid levels are out of control, and anyone who has suffered from those health problems will certainly not recommend them to others.
This is where the yo-yo analogy comes in; we need balance. Too high, and it will not function properly, bumping embarrassingly against you. Too low, and you risk crashing your toy onto the floor, potentially breaking something or losing it. Like your body, it is best to keep it right in the middle, never getting too high or too low.
Thankfully, water is great at this. Our bodies are built around using it, after all. Hydrogen pulls the oxygen molecules along, dragging whatever else happens to stick to it along with it. This is a very, very big oversimplification of how it works, but you get the idea. Just like that yo-yo we keep talking about, you need both for water our bodies can use; hydrogen on the left, oxygen on the right, forming one conveniently moving liquid.
It isn’t perfect. By itself, oxygen can be toxic if in excess. If you’ve ever seen a rusty piece of metal, you’re seeing that firsthand. You don’t want oxygen lingering too long. This is where the hydrogen comes in. As we age, our bodies get less efficient with processing water in its standard form. We usually offset this with volume, which is why there’s a recommended water intake each day, but they warn you not to exceed that frequently.
This is where alkaline water and hydrogen infused water enter the picture. Water can easily pick up acidic properties depending on its source. Some level of alkaline in water is expected and natural. It can help dilute stomach acid, which, in theory, lowers the risk of acid reflux. But what if I told you alkaline has some unexpected side effects?
We’ve already established that low acid can be as problematic as high acid. Low acid level is known as alkalosis. With standard water, this is typically a sign of an independent problem, as our bodies can typically handle natural levels of alkaline. When the water is alkaline infused, this balance goes out the window. Though the symptoms of alkalosis in the short term are not serious, they include irritability, muscle twitching, cramps, and tingling in fingers and lips. It also comes with an even more expected side effect; conductivity.
Have you ever noticed that your standard batteries are often advertised as alkaline? The reason for this is simple; alkaline conducts electricity better than acidic state. It is generally universal to any fluid or substance, including you. Luckily, there’s a lot of ‘you’ on a molecular level, so this should be fine…right?
Let’s briefly discuss a naturally occurring phenomenon known as electromagnetic fields, also known as EMFs. Without going too deep into it, everything on Earth is surrounded by some level of electromagnetics. It binds molecules together, keeps our hearts pumping in rhythm, and is the natural force responsible for magnetism; if you’ve ever used a compass, you’ve benefited from natural EMFs.
The issue is excessive EMF exposure. As EMFs occur wherever electricity is present, this means they are far more prevalent in the modern world than they would be otherwise. After all, this very article is in front of you thanks to electrical signals. Luckily, our bodies are able to handle EMFs at naturally occurring levels, and can even process excess to an extent. But there’s the rub; to an extent.
Excessive EMF exposure results in a condition known as electromagnetic hypersensitivity, or EHS. You can read more about the full details of EHS here: [LINK TO “EHS: AN EVERYDAY PROBLEM] The symptoms of EHS are typically more health risk than health hazard, but include muscle aches, anxiety, depression, rash, and headache. Are some of these symptoms sounding familiar? They should.
Our bodies already have to work harder to ward off excess EMFs. As you can see by the similarities of symptoms, the conclusion is clear; excess alkaline can lower your body’s resistance to EMFs. While the research into this is still very new, it isn’t a far leap to connect the two on some level. Water is fine, but avoid alkaline infusions!
Luckily, hydrogen works very differently. Do you remember how ‘pH’ stands for ‘potential of hydrogen’? This is, in effect, energy. Though hydrogen does make substances it is applied to slightly more acidic, it also binds strongly to whatever it is attached to, moving it along more efficiently. It won’t bond with your cells, but it will move anything stuck to them along quicker.
So, what does this mean for you? Less oxygen toxicity, waste particles, or harmful substances, as well as improved circulation throughout your body. While the research into the full health effects of hydrogen infusion are still ongoing, the results have been extremely promising so far. You can read all about the full health benefits of hydrogen infusion here
By now, it goes without saying that alkaline increases your EMF susceptibility and potential risk of EHS. Instead, choose hydrogen infusion. Luckily, we’re here to help you get started.
While there are many methods for infusing hydrogen into your drinking water, we’re proud to offer an all-in-one solution for your convenience. With the Safe Connect Plus Hydrogen Rich Water Bottle, you can infuse your drinking water with precious hydrogen and enjoy the health benefits we’ve outlined above. On top of that, it also shields your drinking water from harmful EMFs, or electromagnetic fields.
You can purchase the Hydrogen Rich Water Bottle here
If you’re also rightfully concerned about EMFs, we have plenty of recommended products available for that as well if you want to attack the problem directly. Clean living in the modern era is far from impossible. Take steps for you and your loved one’s health today. Here are some of our recommended protective products.
House Shields
Ideally, you want one for each floor of your house. You don’t need to choose the room with the most EMF exposure; these conveniently work on any outlet. Each House Shield covers 2,000 square feet on the floor it is located.
Body Shields
Wear like any necklace. Provides coverage up to an arm’s length around you. These work very well if you intend to go out to somewhere with high EMF exposure, and are ideal for working in an office or medical facility. If a bracelet is impractical for any reason, choose a Body Shield necklace.
Body Band Bracelets and Beaded Bracelets
These work similarly to Body Shield necklaces, and have similar functionality. In this case, the choice is aesthetic. One is typically enough; in groups, you want one per person.
See the packaging. These vary in their individual functions and usage, but if you have a very unique situation where any other product is impractical, consider one of these.
Smart Guards
These are placed on your electric meter on your house. It is advised to place it underneath the box to avoid any weather related damage. They come with a convenient Velcro glue dot to attach easily to the box or glass case around your meter.
Pet Collar
These are conveniently sized for the most common domestic pets, and attach like any other collar. Clip around the neck, and your furry friend will remain safe from EMF over exposure just like you. Although this article has been about human exposure, pets are also susceptible to EMFs. Read all about it here:
Mega and Micro Technology Shield
Like the Smart Guard, these come with a glue dot for easy application to any appliance or electronic device you’re particularly concerned about. For cell phones or particularly expensive devices, these can be attached to the protective case safely. These can also be conveniently carried in wallets, purses, or any carry on without issue.
Health and Wellness Products
These are useful for mitigating any symptoms or issues from EMF exposure that may occur. Their usage depends on the product, so be sure to read any included instructions carefully