As of 2024, the National Institute of Health ended their research on health effects of smart phones, tablets, and other mobile devices. They did not "conclude" after finding results. It simply stopped.
The reasoning given was not terribly complicated: “The research was technically challenging and more resource-intensive than expected. No additional [wireless radiation] studies are planned.”
In other words, the best the NIH could give you is 'too expensive'. While they did mention it was quite technically challenging, don't linger too much on that. It is a common tactic in scientific study to use similar terms when a project has a higher price tag than originally expected.
This isn't unusual. Scientific progress is never cheap. After all, why would it be? Researchers spend years learning their craft and learning how to be objective with their results. The facts need to speak for themselves, and that takes time and tools. In other words, it always takes money.
But let's back up a little bit. What exactly is the National Institute of Health (NIH), and why should we trust them? What were they researching? And, most importantly, did they have a good reason for stopping?
We'll start with the who. The National Institute of Health, or NIH, is exactly what it says on the tin; a national department of medical research run by the United States government. They have been around for a very long time, with the first incarnation of the organization stretching back to the 1880s. Originally starting as a marine hospital funded research project into combatting bacterial disease, as more results came out of the lab, more people and money went towards it.
All in all, they have a pretty good track record. Thanks to the NIH, we discovered how to combat bubonic plague, how to treat mercury poisoning, and even tooth decay prevention. That's right: the NIH helped cure The Black Plague. Today, they are always pushing for new discoveries and new ways to keep us healthy.
They also have a reputation for being one of the more 'honest' branches of government, as they are considered a crucial service. During budgetary issues (shutdowns), they continue to function.
So what happened?
As of right now, we aren't entirely sure. But with context, there are clues.
First, let's go back to 2005. This is when the World Health Organization (WHO) discovered a link between electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and negative health effects. At the time, only a little was known about it, and required further research.
The dates and times that come through are quite messy, and compiling a totally comprehensive picture would take at least an entire book. To save time, let's focus on the important parts.
WHO research discovered what they would later refer to as "electromagnetic hypersensitivity", or "EHS". Sufferers from such a condition showed a wide array of symptoms, including anxiety, muscle aches, sleeplessness, rash, and headaches.
As electromagnetic fields were nothing new, their mere presence could not be the cause. In fact, we need some level of EMFs to exist. Magnetic North, muscular rhythms (specifically heart rhythm), and even animal instincts can be rooted with electromagnetism. This is believed to be how birds know where to fly in winter months or how some species of fish know to head north to breed.
The problem was excess. What nature gave us was fine, but what we added to the equation was not. From here, things get a little murky. We know that the NIH kicked off research into EHS and general effects of electromagnetism on living creatures. Their findings mirrored what the WHO previously found, and the conclusion was clear. Excessive EMFs are not good for you.
Based on the article title, you can probably guess the rest. Research was promising, showing a need for shielding with EMF emitting devices. Yet, the NIH closed the case very recently. As a result of this, the government is not obligated to warn consumers of the risks of EMFs on products that emit them, nor do they intend to force companies to adopt safer practices to curb the issue.
This, it seems, is why the research ended. It was congressionally funded. It was in the best interest of profit centric tech companies that the pressure was off of them. We can't prove that money changed hands, of course. Corruption is rarely easy to prove. But, let's be honest: do you think the United States Congress is above taking a little hush money?
Majority of Americans certainly don't. So, if the government and the general tech industry responsible for this aren't going to do anything, what can you do? As it turns out, a lot more than you think.
When authority figures fail you, take protection into your own hands. As this is a cause we at Safe Connect Plus take very seriously, we've compiled a list of useful products that will provide vital shielding for you and your loved ones.
Every household is a little bit different, so it might feel a bit overwhelming to decide. At a minimum, we recommend at least one protective item for each member of your family, especially pets and children. Even if you are currently not experiencing symptoms of EHS, prevention is just as important as treatment when you can avoid EHS entirely.
For your convenience, we've outlined some of your options below. Take steps today. Protect yourself.
House Shields
Ideally, you want one for each floor of your house. You don’t need to choose the room with the most EMF exposure; these conveniently work on any outlet. Each House Shield covers 2,000 square feet on the floor it is located.
Body Shields
Wear like any necklace. Provides coverage up to an arm’s length around you. These work very well if you intend to go out to somewhere with high EMF exposure, and are ideal for working in an office or medical facility. If a bracelet is impractical for any reason, choose a Body Shield necklace.
Body Band Bracelets and Beaded Bracelets
These work similarly to Body Shield necklaces, and have similar functionality. In this case, the choice is aesthetic. One is typically enough; in groups, you want one per person.
See the packaging. These vary in their individual functions and usage, but if you have a very unique situation where any other product is impractical, consider one of these.
Smart Guards
These are placed on your electric meter on your house. It is advised to place it underneath the box to avoid any weather related damage. They come with a convenient Velcro glue dot to attach easily to the box or glass case around your meter.
Pet Collar
These are conveniently sized for the most common domestic pets, and attach like any other collar. Clip around the neck, and your furry friend will remain safe from EMF over exposure just like you. Although this article has been about human exposure, pets are also susceptible to EMFs. Read all about it here:
Mega and Micro Technology Shield
Like the Smart Guard, these come with a glue dot for easy application to any appliance or electronic device you’re particularly concerned about. For cell phones or particularly expensive devices, these can be attached to the protective case safely. These can also be conveniently carried in wallets, purses, or any carry on without issue.
Health and Wellness Products
These are useful for mitigating any symptoms or issues from EMF exposure that may occur. Their usage depends on the product, so be sure to read any included instructions carefully.