
margo weingarten
Understanding Dirty  Electricity (DE)

Understanding Dirty Electricity (DE)

Dirty electricity are frequencies that deviate from characteristics of AC power in the United States. Also known as electromagnetic interference. EMI. Dirty electricity flows through house wires, through your ground, and travels through power transmission lines. Electricity used to require return and thru substations. This is no longer the case. It is now through the ground. Dirty electricity is produced by cell phone towers and household electronics and plug in air filters! Dirty electricity is a lesser form of EMF HOWEVER it is PERVASIVE, INSIDIOUS, IT AFFECTS YOUR HEALTH. Dirty electricity travels via AC outlets in the home, and electric meters. IT...

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Nick Reyna
Shields Up: How House Shields, Smart Guards, and Mega Shields Work for You

Shields Up: How House Shields, Smart Guards, and Mega Shields Work for You

Let's not mince words. Society at large is not doing enough about EMFs. It is a huge double standard, as other potential cancer risks are all required to carry warning labels. Why should electromagnetic emissions get a pass?  We've yet to get a good argument against regulation. Yet, nothing is being done. This means you will need to take steps to protect yourself. While EMF overexposure is certainly bad news, there is good news to be had with this problem. At Safe Connect Plus, we've created protective technologies to combat the negative effects of EMFs. By popular request, we will explain as much as possible as to how in...

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Nick Reyna
On Our Own: Why the NIH Abandoned Their Research

On Our Own: Why the NIH Abandoned Their Research

As of 2024, the National Institute of Health ended their research on health effects of smart phones, tablets, and other mobile devices. They did not "conclude" after finding results. It simply stopped.  The reasoning given was not terribly complicated: “The research was technically challenging and more resource-intensive than expected. No additional [wireless radiation] studies are planned.” In other words, the best the NIH could give you is 'too expensive'. While they did mention it was quite technically challenging, don't linger too much on that. It is a common tactic in scientific study to use similar terms when a project has a...

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Nick Reyna
The iPad Generation: Saving Gen Alpha

The iPad Generation: Saving Gen Alpha

Generation Alpha. iPad kids. Teachers fear them. Thanks to TikTok, you might be worried about their futures. The evidence is overwhelming: these kids can't and won't read. There's been a lot of proposed causes, as well as proposed solutions. We'll be discussing one today that no one seems to be talking about: oversaturation of EMFs. First, we'll need to set the stage a bit. Who exactly is Generation Alpha? What exactly is happening in schools that have seemingly everyone except parents concerned? And, most importantly, what can we do about it? Generation Alpha, or just Gen Alpha, is any child born from 2010 to the mid 2020s. They are also due...

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